
Chain of Custody

Zenith Enviornmental COC Form– Chain of custody to be submitted with Environmental Monitoring Sample Types (i.e., Spore Traps, Bulks, Tape – Lifts, etc.)

Zenith Microbiology COC Form – Chain of custody to be submitted with Microbiology Sample Types.

Zenith Molecular COC Form  – Chain of custody to be submitted with Molecular Sample Types.

Zenith Healthcare & Pharmaceutical COC Form – Chain of custody to be submitted with Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Sample Types.

Zenith USP 797 CES COC Form – Chain of custody to be submitted with USP 797 Controlled Environment sample types (i.e., microbial air, microbial surface, gloved fingertips, media fill, etc.)

Water Quality COC Form – Chain of custody to be submitted with water quality samples.

Accreditation Certificates and Scope