Alejandro Nava Mercado, M.Sc

Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Manager

  • Address Info
    3310 Gilmore Industrial Blvd, Louisville, KY 40213

Alejandro Nava Mercado is a researcher and molecular biologist specializing in fungal pathogen genetics. Born in Mexico City, he developed a strong passion for biology at a young age, this led him to pursue a higher education at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. He dedicated his studies to molecular biology and fungal pathogen genetics. His research allowed him to pursue a master’s degree at the University of Louisville in molecular biology. Throughout his graduate studies, he conducted in-depth research, delving into the intricacies of fungal genetics. This encompassed the identification and characterization of key genetic factors influencing fungal pathogenicity. His work involved studying the virulence mechanisms of various fungal pathogens and investigating potential targets for gene regulation throughout pathogenesis.

Aside from his research, Alejandro is also committed to promoting scientific education and outreach, particularly among underrepresented groups. He has been involved in various initiatives to increase diversity and inclusion in science, including serving as a mentor to undergraduate and graduate students from diverse backgrounds.