Environmental Monitoring Analyses: Assessing and Safeguarding the Health of Natural and Built Environments

Air Quality Monitoring: This service involves assessing the presence of airborne contaminants and pollutants in the environment. It includes measuring particulate matter, fungal spore concentrations, and other air pollutants to evaluate air quality and potential health risks.

  • Spore Trap Cassette: Identification and enumeration of fungal (mold) spores & structures.

Water Quality Monitoring: This analysis focuses on evaluating the safety and purity of water sources, including drinking water, surface water, and groundwater. It includes testing for parameters such as pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, heavy metals, and other contaminants to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

  • Bacterial/Fungal bioburden – Membrane filtration & Direct plating
  • Total Aerobic Plate Count
  • Total Coliforms and E. Coli
  •  Metals
    • Lead, Zinc, Iron, Copper, CaCO3 (Inquire for other available parameters)
  • pH – acidity or alkalinity
  • Legionella – Culturable method (ISO 11731:2017)

Environmental Bulk Samples: This service offers testing solutions for various environmental parameters, including air, water, soil, bulks and other matrices. It encompasses a range of analyses to identify microbial pollutants.

  • Bulk Samples – Direct microscopic analysis of fungal Spores 
  • Tape – Lift Surface Samples – Direct microscopic analysis of fungal Spores
  • Micro-Vacuum (Spore Trap Cassette) – Qualitative direct microscopic analysis of fungal spores and fungal structures